project description

The recommendations of this action guide were based on the results of two project phases: 1) completing an intel gathering survey and tour, and 2), convening an industry task force.

sync-to-serve survey (phase one)

PQA surveyed the representatives of more than 50 community pharmacy organizations, pharmacists, healthcare payers, and technology vendors to define and understand industry-wide practices and trends as they relate to pharmacist-provided care, medication synchronization, the appointment-based model, value-based pharmacy networks, pharmacy pay-for-performance, and pharmacy performance tracking.

sync-to-serve survey (phase two)

PQA convened more than 25 industry experts to broadly discuss the successes and opportunities in the relationships and collaborations between community pharmacies and healthcare payers and the information gathered in Phase 1 of the report.

PQA thanks the many quality stakeholders who participated in the survey process and Task Force effort. We appreciate your commitment of personal and organizational resources, wisdom, expertise, openness and frankness in support of this project’s success.

Michael Burke, PharmD, MBA
Thomas E. Menighan, BSPharm, MBA, ScD (hon), FAPhA
American Pharmacists Association  
Susan A. Cantrell, RPh, CAE
Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy
Laura K. Parker, RPh
Anthem Pharmacy Solutions
Rebecca Chater, RPh, MPH, FAPhA
Mollie Patton, PharmD
Suzanne Conner-Applegate, PharmD, BCACP, BCGP
Blue Cross Blue Shield North Carolina
Trista Pfeiffenberger, PharmD, MS
Justin Coyle, PharmD
Walgreen Co.
Steven M. Riddle, PharmD, BCPS, FASHP
Laura Cranston, RPh
Pharmacy Quality Alliance
Todd Sega, PharmD
Pharmacy Quality Solutions   
Loren Kirk, PharmD
Pharmacy Quality Alliance
Facilitator, Project Manager
Daniel Serrano, PharmD, BCACP
Helen Kourlas, PharmD, BCPS
Mindy Smith, BSPharm, RPh
Prescribe Wellness  
Ashley E. Lanham, PharmD, MBA
Thomas Stambaugh, RPh, MBA
Tracie D. Lunde, PharmD
McKesson Corporation
Mitzi Wasik, PharmD, BCPS
Aetna Pharmacy Management  
Danielle Markus, PharmD, MBA
Tim Weippert, RPh
Thrifty White   
Kristin McMahon, PharmD
Rite Aid

The perspectives and opinions expressed in this report do not necessarily represent those of the individual S2S Task Force members nor the organizations they represent.

action guide
author acknowledgements

John A. Galdo, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, BCGP
Pharmacy Quality Alliance  
Loren Kirk, PharmD
Pharmacy Quality Alliance
Project Manager
Richard Schmitz
Pharmacy Quality Alliance  

project acknowledgements

PQA gratefully acknowledges the following individuals for their leadership, insights, guidance and support throughout the execution of this project and its objectives to advance pharmacy practice and improve the health of patients:

Anne Burns, BSPharm
American Pharmacists Association
Laurel Glenn, PMP, CPCM
Pharmacy Quality Alliance  
Lindsay Kunkle, PharmD, MBA
American Pharmacists Association  

Support for this project provided by Pfizer.


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