Laura Cranston, RPh, Chief Executive Officer, Pharmacy Quality Alliance, on the Executive Order for Establishing a Health Quality Roadmap

June 25, 2019

The Pharmacy Quality Alliance (PQA) applauds President Trump for the Executive Order to establish a health quality roadmap.

As we move towards a more fully-integrated, value-based healthcare system that prioritizes the outcomes patients want, it is important to align quality measurement across the care continuum. An aligned approach to evaluating the quality of care patients receive can incentivize collaboration among care providers, make quality reporting more efficient and less burdensome, and give patients clear and consistent tools for evaluating their care options.

As the nation’s leading developer of consensus-based measures for medication safety, adherence and appropriate use, PQA is committed to working with federal agencies and stakeholders across healthcare to strengthen quality measurement for the benefit of American patients.

A non-profit organization with more than 250 diverse members across healthcare, we know the importance and challenge of aligning quality measurement across diverse patient populations and care settings. From children to veterans to the elderly, our federal health programs care for the diversity of American life. The unique needs of these populations and systems of care must be accounted for in all efforts to align quality measurement.

PQA also is encouraged by the Executive Order’s call to increase access to de-identified claims data, which can strengthen the development and implementation of important and meaningful quality measures.


Pharmacy Quality Alliance:

Executive Order on Improving Price and Quality Transparency in American Healthcare to Put Patients First: 


Contact: Richard Schmitz, PQA Senior Director of Communications, [email protected] or 703-347-7931