The 2023 PQA Annual Meeting poster session featured 24 quality improvement and research projects. Sponsored by Pharmacy Quality Solutions, the session provided an opportunity for authors to showcase their work and for attendees to engage in insightful dialogue about health care quality.
Awards for the best student poster and the top three posters were selected by a volunteer panel of 15 meeting attendees, who represent PQA’s diverse member sectors.
The awarded posters are:
Best student/resident/fellow poster
“Assessing the Value of an Embedded Care Pharmacist Program to a Medicare Advantage Plan through a Cost-Benefit Analysis” presented by Lindsay Brent, PharmD, MMHC, PGY-1 Managed Care Pharmacy Resident at Cigna authored by Oliver Holmes, PharmD, Kassie Herbst, PharmD; Eric Luecht, RPh, MBA; Jeffrey Tunney, PharmD; and Kamala Nola, PharmD, MS, FAPhA
Top Three Posters
“Impact of a Pharmacy Liaison-Managed Care Model Within a Health System on Clinical and Economic Outcomes in Patients with Diabetes” presented by Nicholas Bull, PharmD, Clinical Director of Population Health, Shields Health Solutions authored by Brianne Nichols, PharmD; Martha Stutsky, PharmD, BCPS; Shreevidya Periyasamy, MS HIA; and Eric Arlia, RPh, MBA
“Estimating Medical Cost Offsets from Continuous Adherence Improvement Using Commercially Insured Members’ Real-World Data” presented by Ben Urick, PharmD, PhD, Health Outcomes Research Principal, Prime Therapeutics authored by M. Christopher Roebuck, PhD, MBA; Landon Marshall, PharmD, PhD; Soodi Pessian, PharmD; and Patrick Gleason, PharmD
“Program Description and Pharmacists’ Perspectives of a Deprescribing Program” presented by Keras Lo, PharmD, BCPS, CDCES, Pharmacist Project Manager III, Kaiser Permanente authored by Christopher Chang, PharmD; Lynn Deguzman, PharmD; and Maisha Draves, MD
Poster abstracts from the 2023 PQA Annual Meeting that were submitted as completed projects and not presented previously were published in the May-June 2023 issue of the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association (JAPhA) in the Features section. PQA greatly appreciates the support of APhA and JAPhA for providing a platform for sharing these important projects.
If you attended the meeting, you also can access the posters and information about the presenters via the meeting app through July 31, 2023.