The 2023 PQA Annual Meeting poster session will feature 25 quality improvement and research projects. Sponsored by Pharmacy Quality Solutions, the session provides an opportunity for authors to showcase their work and for attendees to engage in insightful dialogue about health care quality.
The posters enhance the meeting’s other educational programming: four general sessions, 15 breakout sessions – most accredited for continuing education, and a special pre-meeting half-day workshop that is accredited for four hours of continuing education.
This year’s poster session takes place on day two of the meeting, Thursday, May 11, from 4:45-6:00 p.m., as part of the networking reception. Posters will be available for viewing throughout that day.
Conference posters are always full of rich information about a study’s purpose, approach and findings. The collaboration at PQA is unique and one of the primary reasons why our organization is so impactful. The broad-based membership and expansive reach of PQA across all areas of medication use provides a welcoming space for inclusiveness and ingenuity.
It’s a great way to connect with innovators and emerging leaders in medication use quality. In addition to completed projects and encore presentations, this year’s session has expanded the student and fellow section that allows works in progress.
With that in mind, here’s what will be presented in our poster session and the lead author for each project:
- A pharmacist-led intervention to optimize inhaler therapy upon hospital discharge. (Matthew Wallace, PharmD, BCPS)
- Alprazolam Adverse Effect Incidence Compared to Other Benzodiazepines Within Veterans Health Administration (Megan Meier, PharmD, BCPS)
- Analysis of the clinical benefit of prescription anti-obesity medication coverage in a Medicaid population (Christine Payne, PharmD)
- Assessing the Value of an Embedded Care Pharmacist Program to a Medicare Advantage Plan through a Cost-Benefit Analysis (Lindsay Brent, PharmD, MMHC)
- Challenges Associated with Expanding Medication Therapy Management for Low-Income Subsidy Beneficiaries: Findings and Lessons from the Enhanced Medication Therapy Management Model (Shannon Reefer, MPH, BSN)
- Clinical and financial outcomes of a behavioral health program led by a PBM pharmacy team in a Medicaid foster care population (Megan Husted, PharmD)
- Creation of a Social Determinants of Health Screening and Intervention Framework within an Integrated Health System Specialty Pharmacy Care Model (Irfana Lakada, PharmD)
- Development and Implementation of an Innovative Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Clinical Management Model (Kerry Mello-Parker, PharmD, MBA)
- Effects of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems on Glycemic Control in Veterans with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (Justin Mathew, PharmD, BCPS)
- Estimating Medical Cost Offsets from Continuous Adherence Improvement Using Commercially Insured Members’ Real-World Data (Benjamin Y. Urick, PharmD, PhD)
- Financial Impact of Integrated Specialty Pharmacy Efforts to Avoid Oral Oncolytic Waste (Brooke Looney, PharmD, CSP)
- Harnessing the EHR to Improve Workflow & Reporting in a Hepatitis C Clinic (Cori Edmonds, PharmD, BCPS, CSP)
- Hepatitis C Cascade of Care in a Multidisciplinary Substance Use Bridge Clinic Model (Ana Simonyan, PharmD, BCACP)
- Hospital Utilization Rates for Oncology Patients in an Integrated Health System Specialty Pharmacy Model Compared to a National Network (Martha Stutsky, PharmD, BCPS)
- Impact of a Community Pharmacist Led-Interventional Diabetes Management Program on Patient Decision Making and Population Health Measures (Rachel Schneider, PharmD)
- Impact of a Pharmacy Liaison-Managed Care Model Within a Health System on Clinical and Economic Outcomes in Patients with Diabetes (Nicholas Bull, PharmD)
- Impact of IV Infusion Practices on Antibiotic Dose Delivery (Victor Amajor, PharmD candidate)
- Impact of Point-of-sale Opioid Safety Alerts on Day Supply Reduction in Opioid-Naïve Patients (Bonnie Hui-Callahan, PharmD, CDCES)
- Modernizing diabetes management: How pharmacists are working to close health care gaps in rural South Carolina (Ranarda M Jones, PharmD, MBA)
- Oral oncology PDC associations on medical costs and hospitalization in Medicare MarketScan data. (Francis Staskon, PhD)
- Program Description and Pharmacists’ Perspectives of a Deprescribing Program (Keras Lo, PharmD, BCBS, CDE)
- Quality improvement initiative to increase completion rate for Comprehensive Medication Reviews (CMR) in an HIV specialty pharmacy (Nicole Zapata, PharmD candidate)
- Retraining of transplant pharmacy staff to reduce Medicare Part B prescription billing errors in post-transplant recipients (Chelsea Ray, CPhT)
- Risk of Non-Adherence scorecard based on Social Determinants of Health factors (at the ZIP Code level) (Arturo Silva, MBA, MS)
- The Role of Enhanced Medication Therapy Management in Chronic Condition Management: Moving the Needle toward More Comprehensive Care (Dimitra Politi, PhD.)
We hope you’ll join us at the 2023 PQA Annual Meeting to learn, network and engage. For the posters, we’ll present awards for the top posters, including an award for best student poster.