The 2024 PQA Annual Meeting poster session featured 23 quality improvement and research projects. Sponsored by Pharmacy Quality Solutions, the session provided an opportunity for authors to showcase their work and for attendees to engage in insightful dialogue about healthcare quality.
Awards for the best student poster and the top three posters were selected by a volunteer panel of 18 meeting attendees representing PQA’s diverse member sectors.
The awarded posters are:
Best student/resident/fellow poster
“The Impact of a Community Pharmacist Referral on the Completion of Annual Wellness Visits” presented by Cody Beldon, PharmD, MS, PGY2 Community Pharmacy Administration & Leadership Resident, Kroger Health authored by Cody Beldon, PharmD, MS; Stacey Frede, PharmD, BCACP, CDCES; Sarah Blackburn, DNP, FNP-C; Brenda Barnes, PharmD, MS; Andrea Brookhart, PharmD, BCACP; and Katelyn Johnson, PharmD, MS, BCACP
Top Three Posters
1st Place
“Maximizing Cost Savings: The Impact of Specialty Pharmacist Interventions at a Community Oncology Center” presented by Casey Fitzpatrick, PharmD, BCPS, Research Pharmacist, Clinical Outcomes, CPS Solutions, LLC authored by Megan Rees, PharmD; Carly Giavatto, PharmD; Ana Lopez Medina PharmD; and Jessica Mourani, PharmD
2nd Place
“Evaluation of a Social Determinants of Health Screening and Intervention Framework within an Integrated Health System Specialty Pharmacy Care Model” presented by Andrea Idusuyi, PharmD, CSP, AAHIVP, Shields Health Solutions authored by Carolkim Huynh, PharmD, CSP; Irfana Lakada, PharmD; Andrea Idusuyi, PharmD; Oanh Nguyen, PharmD, CSP; Nadia M. Abubaker, PharmD, CSP; Chloe Kim, PharmD, BCCP, BCPS, CSP; Martha Stutsky, PharmD
3rd Place
“Implementation of Behavioral Health Programs in Community Pharmacies: Lessons Learned” presented by Tazche Turner, PharmD Candidate, authored by Melanie Livet, PhD; Jon Easter, BSPharm; Tazche Turner, PharmD Candidate; Courtney Humphries, PharmD; Shweta Pathak, PhD; Jessica Roller, PharmD; and Amber Watson, MSPH
If you attended the meeting, you can access the posters and information about the presenters via the meeting app through June 7, 2024.